Monday, 23 January 2012

Xenon Gyrocopter Photo Fleet Lisiting by Country

The Xenon gyrocopter was originally manufactured by ABS Aerolight in France. These early examples were powered by Hirth engines - a total of approximately 15 Xenons were built by ABS, many being supplied as kits.

By early 2007 production had moved to Poland with a new production facility being built by Celier Aviation at Jaktorow-Kolonia about 30 miles south west of Warsaw.  Over 140 examples have been built by November 2011.

In December 2011 the company was split - partner Artur Trendak will continue to build Xenon gyrocopters at Jaktorow-Kolonia trading as  Raphael Celier plans to start Xenon production at a new site in Warsaw in 2012 trading as

The construction number plate ( serial number or werknummer ) on the Xenon gyrocopter is located behind the cockpit and below the engine exhaust muffler  - it is circled in pink in the photo below.

If you are the owner or pilot of a Xenon gyroplane I would be very interested to know the construction number of the example that you fly - please do get in touch - thank you.

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