Monday, 23 January 2012


A super fast paced flying action game, you need some skill to get through the 10 levels of mayhem.

 If you enjoyed playing Raiden X, you will love this one, the involving and precise game play makes up for the lack of luster that Frantic comes with.

The game has the usual upgrades but a new way of earning them, you can buy cards that add on benefits to your vessel, like wing men, heavier shields, increased damage etc. 

The retro style of this game, including the sounds somehow bring back fond memories of the good ol 16 bit and 32 bit. 

The bosses at the end of each level have unique weapons and unique ways to escape them, the game breaks up into a whole lot of color at times and this makes it quite beautiful. 

Frantic, is a definitely fast paced and you need to have a good amount of skill to maneuver through the incoming missiles especially during the boss rounds. 

The more coins you collect you build up a special power mode its good to build it up to max and use it when the boss comes.

Hanna in a Choppa

Hanna in a Choppa is a very interesting flying games with a good variety of unique missions

 I played Hanna in a Choppa a long time ago, it was by far one of the most fun flying games that I have played. Its not just flying and the interesting physics, every level puts you through an exciting test.

There are 21 fun filled levels not to mention the writings on the screen, interesting sounds and funny missions. The main objective is to fly the chopper using the arrow keys and land it besides the flag, in some levels there are bonus objectives that you can attempt. 

The game automatically saves your progress on the computer so you can continue playing when you like. Can you guide Hanna through all these levels? 


You need some extreme skills to fly the Skylocopter to the keys and exit! Drop a few bombs sometimes!

 Firstly you have to be skilled to play this game, its got few levels and is rather short and can be easily completed but you need to be fast with your fingers.

Not just fast as you maneuver your little helicopter to the key that unlocks the exit you need to apply the right amount of pressure to not send your little chopper bouncing off a wall or get blown up by a bomb.

Every gem collected gets your points that you can use to upgrade your choppers speed or health, the game does not get complex in anyway and the levels are straight forward.


A side scrolling action packed retro styled shooting game, where you take out a particular target thats heavily protected!

 Its been a while since we had a flying game up, well this game does not suck but neither is it unique. If you played Sky Chopper this one is just the same, well not really just the same but honestly quite similar.

Except the concept of the game is different, in Heli Assault you have to take down a target chopper that keeps eluding you. You have four different weapons, though you start off with only two and then in game you have a range of power ups including a shield.

The game is fun, even though it seems quite retro styled, sometimes old is gold. A lot of incoming enemies start showing up, bombers and a very crowded flight path as you progress through levels.

Although the advanced weapons help you knock down everything in sight, keep upgrading your chopper with the money you earn and have fun assaulting your enemies!

ASC Aero Sports Connection ultralight registrations ( USA )

A10KRO - black - new G3 model - delivered September 2011 - based in Romania - see photo below of A10-KRO - see Dynon Skyview display below too

Xenon Gyrocopter Photo Fleet Lisiting by Country

The Xenon gyrocopter was originally manufactured by ABS Aerolight in France. These early examples were powered by Hirth engines - a total of approximately 15 Xenons were built by ABS, many being supplied as kits.

By early 2007 production had moved to Poland with a new production facility being built by Celier Aviation at Jaktorow-Kolonia about 30 miles south west of Warsaw.  Over 140 examples have been built by November 2011.

In December 2011 the company was split - partner Artur Trendak will continue to build Xenon gyrocopters at Jaktorow-Kolonia trading as  Raphael Celier plans to start Xenon production at a new site in Warsaw in 2012 trading as

The construction number plate ( serial number or werknummer ) on the Xenon gyrocopter is located behind the cockpit and below the engine exhaust muffler  - it is circled in pink in the photo below.

If you are the owner or pilot of a Xenon gyroplane I would be very interested to know the construction number of the example that you fly - please do get in touch - thank you.